May 2, 2014


Sources no 1. | no. 2 | no. 3 | no. 4

This spring we are buying a house! I am thrilled to get a fresh start with organization and decorating. This is the first time in our lives Daniel and I are picking a spot to settle down long-term, so I'm trying to thoughtfully plan and design each room to reflect our family's aesthetic and lifestyle, hopefully managing to keep the look minimal and classic. Our new home was built in 1968 and definitely reads very mid-century ranch so that's the starting point for a lot of the design decisions we are making. I'll be sharing inspiration posts over the next few weeks and then I hope I'll be able to share the actual results as soon as we are settled in! 

First up is our master bedroom, which has been a little challenging since I'm attempting to create a space that comfortably combines the vintage-modern mix that Daniel and I love while retaining a minimalist approach. To make the bedroom feel calm and serene, we want to keep the space as open and bright as possible. I plan to place our mattress directly on the floor so that our littles can easily climb in for cuddles. I also want to have no furniture in the room besides bedside tables, possibly using floating shelves or low stools to serve that purpose. We will have two big closets so I think we can manage to fit all of our clothing in there. I know that realistically a home with two kids is bound to be messy a large portion of the time, so I want to make our bedroom a place of retreat. No toys, no clutter--just an open, crisp, white & relaxing space. As far as art on the walls, I'd like to blow up some of Daniel's black and white film photos and use those in a poster size as statement pieces. There is also no overhead lighting, so I'd like to either DIY or purchase two wall mounted lamps on either side of the bed. If I'm brave enough to go the DIY route, I'd like to copy and slightly modify this DIY from Manhattan Nest. 

For a few more of my favorite inspiring white + minimal bedrooms check out my Pinterest board!


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